Hot Field in Which Certifications May Boost Your Career


There are many certifications available at this time. There are at least 1,600 certifications available. The need and desire for getting certified has increased over the years. Not only this, but there are also 227 accreditation programs available to go along with those 1,600 certifications. These are hot programs right now and everyone wants one. Being certified means you can do certain things and you feel more confident about yourself. It has been said that maybe the reason for the increase of the demand for these certification programs is because of the expansion of the population. Although at one time we were able to determine how competent professionals are simply through word of mouth, now there is a need for new ways to check the competence of professionals.

It doesn’t matter what type of career field you decide to go into, there is always a certification for it. As a matter of fact, did you know that there are actual certifications for pet trainers, tarot card reader’s, glass blowers, biofeedback professionals, acupressurists, and cake decorators.

By reading this article, you will learn the different certifications that are available for different hot fields. These are certifications for those careers that can boost your income as opposed to those that are a requirement such as teachers. We won’t explore license in this article. However, some fields may require a license as well as the certification.

We question ourselves wondering if certifications will really boost a career. This means if you are looking to get a certification for a new career, it is in your best interest to ask a lot of questions to those you are seeking the certification from. Because of this, there is a book you can find at your local library that will help you determine the type of questions you should ask. It is titled The Certification and Accreditation Directory. Here are a few of the questions you should ask of the organization you are asking for the certification. Some of them include.

  • What is the reputation of the organization you are trying to get the certification from?
  • Are the benefits of the certifications better than the cost? This means do the benefits outweigh the cost of the organization?
  • Find out what the requirements and the costs are for the recertification if you are in need of one.
  • Does the certification require some additional education?
  • What about experiential requirements? This is important in case there are some things you will need to be experienced in before gaining the certification.
  • Find out if the certification is recognized nationally such as outside of the United States.

Collection of Hot Fields in Which a Certification can boost Your Career

Information Technology (IT)

The Information Technology field is the field that actually started the certification trend. Although some of the IT professionals will argue that the trend is reducing in value, others will argue as well that they are just as valuable as ever. As what is stated in Certification Magazine, “Certification is still a tiebreaker in a tight decision for hiring managers.” The magazine also quotes an IT professional who states, “Certified IT workers are more productive, better prepared, and have more credibility with employers.”

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There was also a research study that was done by Brainbench in Chantilly, VA which has revealed that professional certifications are better assets for the IT professionals. As a matter of fact, those who receive certifications are more likely to gain an increase in their salary.

There are many IT certifications available which most of them are provided by software and hardware creators. It is noted that these certifications are also important because hiring managers will want to see proof of your expertise.

Financial Management/ Planning

Since there is such a sensitivity of handling other people’s money, this field is a great example of why the word of mouth approach is not really enough to get yourself into the door of this great career. This is why certification is a better way to prove you are capable of the expertise needed for this career choice. An example would be as baby boomers are aging and planning for their retirement, as well as investors fretting about the stock market, the demand for this career choice is huge. Corporations also need professionals who are qualified in financial management and planning to manage their money.


Why is the safety certification important? Some people wonder why. The basic answer to this question is that 93% of those who work in safety are actually not certified nor do they have college degrees in this field. This actually means they are not eligible for a certification in safety. This is why The National Association of Safety Professionals has provided different types of the credentials needed than those previously available.

The National Association of Safety Professionals (NASP) states that, “While employers do value the more general credentials, those credentials often do not serve to indicate specific knowledge, skills, and abilities sought by the employer. Therefore, NASP’s certifications were designed to serve as evidence of specific knowledge, skills, and abilities.”

There have been some comments received from students who have taken the certifications provided by NASP which have been positive and have shown that those safety professionals who are certified can receive resume-building accomplishments.

Health Support

This type of certification is a hot one available these days. This is because health related careers are a growing field. There has actually been a prediction that in the next four years, there will be an increase in the health support career field. There will be an increase in the need for trained and caring professionals who can work in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and even inside of people’s homes for in home care for the elderly and the disabled. This is because there will be an increase in the need to use high-tech diagnostic treatments and procedures for the aging baby booming population. As a matter of fact, medical aides are one of the ever fastest growing occupations in this country.

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Also, the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics states that healthcare provides for more than 50% of the newest job placements available. They also state that more employers are now and will be requiring certifications in this career field.

Human Resources

One statistic states for the Human Resources career field, more than 60,000 professionals in HR have gained and kept the Professional in Human Resources and the Senior Professional in Human Resources certifications. It has been stated that gaining a certification in this career field as well as keeping one will enhance one’s resume as well as strengthen their position. This means they will keep their job as long as they need to as long as they are certified. For those needing and wanting a certification in this field, getting one of these certifications proves that they know their stuff pretty well and can be a trusted source for employers who are hiring more HR professionals.


Getting a certification in the Hospitality field can show the many benefits such as updating their knowledge on the current trends in this career field. It can also provide a benchmark that will measure their knowledge against the industry standards. This means having a certification in this hot field can prepare those newly promoted managers with the ability to take care of customers, employee’s as well as making harder decisions.

As a matter of fact, the hottest certification available for the hospitality industry is the CHT Certified Hospitality Trainer. The interest in this certification has increased because the marketplace for this field has become so competitive. Therefore, the main key to outperforming the competition is through professional training. As a matter of fact, customer service is a competitive edge and training is the key to outstanding customer service.

Internal Auditing

Certification in Internal Auditing is really hot right now and this field is sizzling. Since Internal Auditing certifications require much knowledge, study, as well as experience, having one of these certifications will prove the ability and competency of those who have earned them.

It has also been noted that there is a promise in this career field. Since the past year, there has been an increase in the number of these types of jobs available. Furthermore, is has been noted that some certification organizations are looking for students as well as seasoned professionals who have the desire to move into the internal auditing field from other careers such as information technology, business management, finance, and operations.

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There has been a substantial increase in graduate degree programs in engineering management. As a matter of fact, the curriculum is being recognized as a discipline. Many manufacturing employer’s look for certain credentials in this industry. The increase in these degree programs is in part because some MBA programs focus on such programs as financing and marketing but will not address the other issues in which a technical manager faces these days. Before, there was actually no certification that existed for this discipline.

SME certifications will provide an increased edge in this job market. When hiring, they look for these credentials for manufacturing employees. This is because having these credentials will prove that someone in this industry will have the knowledge and abilities needed.

Homeland Security

This career field really didn’t have an increase in demand before September 11th, 2001. Since this tragic day in history, according to the National Academy of Higher Education which actually provides these certifications, this career field has become the number one concern of public safety professionals from the entry level workers who will now have to pre-plan and even organize homeland security issues.

Training and Instructional Design

With the increase of use of the Internet, there has come an increase in demand for education and training that is delivered online. Also, there is an increase in the need for the tech-savvy trainers as well as instructional designers.

Certification training in this career field has helped approximately 75% of those from the Public Works and Government Services Canada to advance to the next level in the most recent job competitions.

Also, some colleagues in one division of a business were actually jealous of certain certifications that were received by some of the other divisions. It has also been stated that some certification holders actually recommend having a certification and a great personal investment is a path to an excellent and much easier future. Some people wonder what certification can do for them and now they know, everything!

Other career fields in which a certification can boost your career choice include Automotive, Administration Professionals, Project Management, Fitness Trainers, and real Estate.

Basically, having a certification in one of these chosen career fields can actually earn you much more money in the future. It would be very wise to gain one of these certifications for increasing your skills and abilities in your chosen career field.