What Is Career Coaching and Career Development?


What is career coaching? What does a career coach do? Does it really help people get a job and find the right career?

What is Career Coaching?

Coaches work with clients to inspire and motivate them to reach their maximum personal and professional capabilities. They help clients identify and define goals, create action plans to reach those, aid in career self-discovery, and work on some of the specific items that help secure positions such as resumes and interviewing. Coaches will help clients find solutions and will hold them accountable for the progress they make.

What is Career Development?

Career development is the proactive planning and implementation of an action pan toward identifiable career goals. It helps you achieve more than just career coaching.

  • Forces you to make regular self-assessments on where you are in your career.
  • Helps you make career choices at least partially based on happiness and a sense of fulfillment.
  • Helps you find the juxtaposition of passion, life/work balance, and income.

Career development is basically career coaching on steroids! So, what is career coaching and development? It is both the micro and macro of finding and enjoying the right career path – from the little thing like interviewing skills and resume writing to larger concepts like career satisfaction and a proper life/work balance.

Career Coaching is Not Just for Newbies

It’s easy to assume that it is just for individuals entering the workforce. Some people think it’s only for people who have just graduated from college. But, nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, newbies can benefit from the services of it, but they shouldn’t be the only ones asking the question, “What is career coaching and development?”

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It can be one of the smartest investments you can make no where you are in your career. If you are completely happy in your job and are making money beyond your expectations, then you probably don’t need a them. However, if any area of your career – satisfaction, money, work/life balance – is not exactly what you want it to be, then you should be thinking about using the services of it.

What is the Cost of Happiness?

Yes, hiring them costs money, but that money is often well-spent when you find the right job or career and realize an increase in pay. Besides, what is the cost of happiness? If it can help you find greater work satisfaction and fulfillment, wouldn’t you be more than happy to pay for a few sessions of it? If they can help you find your passion and a meaning in work, then the money spent is well worth it!

So, what is career coaching and development? It is a way to get guidance, inspiration, information, encouragement, and help in finding the right career, preparing for your dream job, and finding happiness and fulfillment in your career choices.